
Showing posts from May, 2023

Pink cat skateboard Unhygienic and Mediocre shirt

   Pink cat skateboard Unhygienic and Mediocre shirt The two galaxies are presently a  Pink cat skateboard Unhygienic and Mediocre shirt  two million light years, give or take, from each other. They are expected to collide, and eventually merge, several billion years from now. Don’t worry, it won’t affect us much. For starters, we won’t be around. The Earth will be a dead world by then, with the Sun near the end of its life as a main sequence star. But even if that weren’t the case, stars are so small compared to the distances between them, no individual solar systems are expected to collide as this merger takes place. It cannot be excluded with certainty of course, but it is unlikely that any star during the merger event will come much closer to the Sun than our nearest stellar neighbors are at present, i.e., never approaching our Sun closer than a couple of light years. () buy it now: Pink cat skateboard Unhygienic and Mediocre shirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn...

Tcu Horned Frogs 2023 Baseball Tournament Champions Crewneck Sweatshirt

   Judging from what I saw during Halloween and Thanksgiving, I would say the  Tcu Horned Frogs 2023 Baseball Tournament Champions Crewneck Sweatshirt , cozy and nesting look is in. Stuff that gives off that homespun look. Think late 1960’s all the way up to the 1970’s. I don’t know if you remember the Carter era but I think that’s going to be during this season and the next. Inflation was high, gas prices went through the roof, hamburgers were so expensive, people weren’t used to prices being so high. So people stayed at home more, and I think that’s what is going to happen. They will be baking and cooking more at home as opposed to going out and running a big tab. But you asked about the decorations, and I will try to answer your question. Homemade, homespun, cozy and homey. I think that’s going to be the trend, this year. People don ’t have the money for the glitz or all the bells and whistle this holiday season. No over the top, no putting on the dog, so to speak or n...

Taika Waititi Spanish Jackie’s shirt

   DESCRIPTION SHIPPING & MANUFACTURING INFO TEEJEEP Taika Waititi Spanish Jackie’s shirt First thing, if they’ve never done you wrong and you’ve never done them wrong you should try hard to have a  Taika Waititi Spanish Jackie’s shirt  with your family. Family is very important, you’ll only understand this once they start vanishing from your life. Then you missed out. The next statements assume a reasonable healthy past. If this is not the case seek better advice. One of the best things a family member can do for you is be honest. They may tell you things you do not like hearing. Your friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and superiors will often be concerned that they will offend you. Friends will often stand by you but if you wrong them accidentally they may choose to go elsewhere. A relative when wronged may make you wish at the time they’ll go away but usually they care too much. I’ve grown by responding to the harsh critiques I’ve endured. I too was called laz...

Taikawaititi Spanish Jackies T Shirt

   Taikawaititi Spanish Jackies T Shirt Fabrizio Quattrocchi, an Italian security officer, taken hostage and murdered in Iraq by Islamist militants. After being forced to dig his own grave and just before being shot in the  Taikawaititi Spanish Jackies T Shirt , Fabrizio looked up at his executioners and defiantly said: “Now I will show you how an Italian dies”. I am sure in history there have been more significant moments with very cool lines, but for me, right this very moment, Fabrizio deserves the prize. EDIT: thanks everyone for the upvotes. The reason why I was fascinated by this, is that Italians are not usually seen as warriors or for dying heroically. Stereotypically, we are all artists, lovers with an incurable fondness for string instruments… Fabrizio decided to meet his fate with dignity: his words would have cut deeper in his executioners’ ego than any last minute shovel swing. (Taikawaititi Spanish Jackies T Shirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Taikawaititi Spanis...

Iron Maiden Stranger In A Strange Land The Future Past Tour 2023 shirt

   Ever watch a whirlpool? How about water going down a drain or even a  Iron Maiden Stranger In A Strange Land The Future Past Tour 2023 shirt  of cream swirled into your coffee? It sometimes looks like a spiral galaxy. And we once thought gravity was holding a galaxy together. If you watch a whirlpool carefully you will notice the outside orbits the center slowly and the closer to the middle you are the faster it spins. But this was a bit of a problem for galaxies because this would make the arms of the galaxy wind up tight. They would not last for millions of years. Earlier in the century, before computers, astronomer would hire dozens of women who were good at math to do calculations for them. One of them made an important discovery: the speed of the stars in the outer arms was way faster than it should be. The galaxy was spinning like a solid LP record album! According to the laws of gravity, which we know quite well, it shouldn’t behave like this…unless there w...

Justinsartstore I’m All About The Bare Minimum Bestie Hoodie

   Justinsartstore I’m All About The Bare Minimum Bestie Hoodie No! It’s much too early for  Justinsartstore I’m All About The Bare Minimum Bestie Hoodie  . I want to enjoy this fall (although it seems that fall has decided not to visit us this year) and each holiday as it comes. One year, ages ago, I put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend and by the time Christmas came around, all the decorations were dusty and I was sick of looking at That was a good lesson. Christmas, for me, is sparkling snow, pine trees (not maples turning gold and red) and a very special time, especially if you have family (cherish them because some day they will be gone). It’s a time of selflessness and love and that “Christmas spirit” which is incredible which takes hold of you. (Justinsartstore I’m All About The Bare Minimum Bestie Hoodie, guys shirt) buy it now: Justinsartstore I’m All About The Bare Minimum Bestie Hoodie Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Wild Card...

The Super Mario Bros Movie Peach She Can Do Anything T shirt

   These processes take a  The Super Mario Bros Movie Peach She Can Do Anything T shirt  years or so and once the Earth becomes potentially capable of supporting life, we actually see the earliest signs of life during that period. It could have just as easily taken another billion years to hit upon the first self-replicating molecule. We don’t know the exact details of how life got started but we do actually know lot about the kinds of processes it would have required. The key event would have been the first self-replicating molecule – which probably was not life as we know it, but an RNA precursor. The next key event would have been the conversion from RNA to DNA-based life. Forming the right kinds of molecules in the right concentrations at the right Ph levels isn’t something a new world is likely to hit upon immediately, and indeed, it seems like it took at least a few hundred million years before we see the first artifacts of life on Earth. () buy it now: The Sup...

Official Gianni Merch Return To Crab Sweatshirt

   Official Gianni Merch Return To Crab Sweatshirt “In economics, income = consumption + savings. The income an indivual, or a country, produces is either consumed and/or saved. If you , or a  Official Gianni Merch Return To Crab Sweatshirt , overspends, you or the country dips into savings or creates debt.” I think this answer is true for the firm or the individual but in the whole economy it is no longer true. In the macroeconomy, everytime some person or entity doesn’t spend, some other person or entity has their income reduced by the same amount. And because that person won’t get their hands on that money, they will not have it to spend further, so the next would-be recipient of that spending doesn’t get that income, which they in turn will not be able to spend….. and so on (Official Gianni Merch Return To Crab Sweatshirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Official Gianni Merch Return To Crab Sweatshirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Global Shopaew Kris Statlander Stat...

Roberto Firmino Si Señor Shirt

   Roberto Firmino Si Señor Shirt The universe expands from an unimaginably hot and  Roberto Firmino Si Señor Shirt  speck (perhaps a singularity) with all the known forces unified. In a tiny fraction of a second tremendous changes are unleased. The strong force separates from the electronuclear. The weak force then separates from the electromagnetic. ~1 microsecond into this process Quarks are confined within hadrons. 1 millisecond in hydrogen nuclei are formed. 1 second in neutrinos begin to interact with other particles. At about the 3 minute mark helium nuclei are formed. 379,000 years in, the plasma cools enough for stable atoms to form and photons are released from this veil forming the Cosmic Background Radiation we see today. It’s 100 million years before the first stars can form, many generations of stars are busy creating the heavy elements necessary for life as we know it from the process of fission (both during the life of the star and during nova, supern...

Goodshirts Due To Physical Violence Shit Faced Mondays Have Been Canceled Tee Shirt

   Codec is a short word for ‘coding’ and ‘decoding’. Once you are done editing, you are required to choose a  Goodshirts Due To Physical Violence Shit Faced Mondays Have Been Canceled Tee Shirt  that encodes the footage with the maximum possible compression. One of the most popular codecs is H.264 that produces MP4 files. H.264 also has its upgraded version called H.265 that offers a better compression ratio, thus reducing the file size even further. Factor 5: Rate Control Modes Rate controlling is a process where you define the bitrates for a video. For instance, if a clip is intended to be distributed via the Internet where the target audience may have specific bandwidth, Constant Bitrate (CBR) mode would be good. On the other hand, if the Internet bandwidth is decent or the video is to be played on a local device, using Variable Bitrate (VBR) (with the highest threshold set) would provide the best picture quality as the bitrate would be automatically controlled a...

Official low Interest Raytheon We Fight For War You Fight For Us shirt

   DESCRIPTION SHIPPING & MANUFACTURING INFO TEEJEEP Official low Interest Raytheon We Fight For War You Fight For Us shirt However big that black hole is, it is dwarfed by the size of the  Official low Interest Raytheon We Fight For War You Fight For Us shirt  itself. That four million solar masses is a lot compared to our solar system, but it is absolutely puny compared to the total mass of the Milky Way, which is many tens of billions of solar masses. Galaxies are held together by self-gravity. They may or may not have a supermassive black hole (not all do). When that supermassive black hole is present, its gravity adds a modest contribution to the total self-gravity of the galaxy. But in all cases, even in the case of the largest black holes, the mass of the galaxy dominates over the mass of the black hole. Stars in a galaxy follow somewhat chaotic orbits, determined by the combined gravitational field of all other stars, clouds of gas, clouds of dust, and we...

Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt

   Christmas trees are sold all over before christmas. There are several types of  Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt  : There are cultivated trees that have been cut and shaped to be dense and ideal in shape. And there are naturally grown trees right from the nearby forest. They are not as “pretty”, because they are just how they happened to grow. I value the natural trees, because they give me a better feeling about the connection with my natural surrounding. I give the highest value to a tree I have cut myself, but this isn’t always possible, so I usually buy a natural domestic tree. (Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Redscarepod Hi I’ve Been Making Moves Against You Tee Shirt Chasin’ The Racin’ Podcast Needhams Motorcycles Doncaster Shirt Funny interesting morrissey 2023 shirt Full Moon In The Sky Wild Tonight Josh’s Pick Shirt We shall not be...

Iron Maiden The Trooper The Future Past Tour 2023 shirt

   The  Iron Maiden The Trooper The Future Past Tour 2023 shirt  thing here is not that we haven’t found aliens, but that we are learning so much about the universe so quickly. 20 years ago nobody knew that there are huge underground oceans on Europa and Enceladus, and methane lakes on Titan. 40 years ago there was no evidence of life at hydrothermal vents or life in deep ocean sediments—organisms that use forms of biology quite unlike that of the familiar organisms here on the surface. 25 years ago there was no evidence of even a single planet around another star! Now we know of thousands. The real number, in our galaxy alone, is probably hundreds of billions. The appropriate attitude here, I’d say, is a mix of giddiness and caution. Giddiness, because the rate of discovery right now is downright astonishing. Caution, because we still have so far to go in answering the big question: Are we alone? () buy it now: Iron Maiden The Trooper The Future Past Tour 2023 shirt...

Ben and Alex Jackassworld Lgbtqia Flag T Shirt

   Jackassworld Lgbtqia Flag T Shirt  tradition component, I do believe. It least that is what I’m postulating. Many take everything down the day after Christmas. One who I lived with for 34 years wanted everything left up until into January. Some people literally have decorations up all year outside. So at least here (USA), where I have lived it varies. There is the church calendar with some people, like the person I once lived with, and they use that as a guide. Again, it’s a personal choice I do believe in a free country, so make up your own mind. You can vary it as well, depending upon if you’re enjoying the decorations still and the people you share your life with agree, more or less. If things are too structured they can lose significance to a person. Decorations are an art form, somewhat. In all art there are usually general guidelines, but to put your individual stamp on it tends to make it more valuable to yourself. It will also most likely prove more meaningful ...

God said my novelty wore off art shirt

   God said my novelty wore off art shirt Now another thing I noticed whilst watching the film- many character traits were missing. In the first film Star-Lord, played by Chris Pratt, was funny, full of energy and jokes. In this film he seemed tired, and lacked the  God said my novelty wore off art shirt  that made his character such a standout in the Marvel library. He just seemed mopey and his jokes felt forced and he seemed really unhappy to be with the Guardians. Meanwhile Drax- he looked different in some respects and acted a little off. Yes he was still very litteral, but he seemed more light-hearted. One of my favourite things with Drax, is how annoyingly clueless he was and his dark side was something I also loved. Now he just seems too happy. Rocket- a character I have never really liked due to me thinking he is just actually a rude character, seemed even ruder- he hadn’t learnt anything from film one. Yondu’s, portrayed by Michael Rooker, voice also sounded...

Helluva Boss Stella Crewneck Sweatshirt

   Helluva Boss Stella Crewneck Sweatshirt It’s just after the first day of Hanukkah as I read this  Helluva Boss Stella Crewneck Sweatshirt  . I absolutely love this question. For background, I wasn’t raised in either traditions, nor associated religions, so both holidays are really foreign (yet oddly familiar) to me. I have known many who celebrate one or the other holidays with great enthusiasm. Yet in my entire life thus far, outside of my immediate family, I have only ever been invited to two different familys’ homes for a Christmas celebration that they were each hosting. And each party was a blast, full of fun, love, and food. And each of these different families who hosted fun Christmas parties in their homes, identified as Jewish. (Helluva Boss Stella Crewneck Sweatshirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Derrick White Derrick Kite T ShirtHelluva Boss Stella Crewneck Sweatshirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Vanderbilt University Baseball 2023 Sec Tournament ...

PAWF Passive Aggressive Wrestling Federation logo shirt

   DESCRIPTION SHIPPING & MANUFACTURING INFO TEEJEEP PAWF Passive Aggressive Wrestling Federation logo shirt One advantage of the numerous distance-measuring schemes in use, which overlap over a range of  PAWF Passive Aggressive Wrestling Federation logo shirt  from nearby to very distant, is that astronomers can calibrate and corroborate their measurements with multiple approaches. Such calibrations and corroborations thus lend an additional measure of reliability to these schemes. Indeed, by comparing results using different methods, weaknesses have been identified in certain schemes. In most cases, additional studies have demonstrated ways to guard against and correct for known difficulties. As a single example of these multiple approaches, prior to 2011 the distance to the Pinwheel Galaxy was determined, based on measurements of Cepheid variable stars in the galaxy, to be 20.9 million light-years, with an uncertainty of 1.8 million light-years. As of Septembe...

Maryland Terrapins 2023 Baseball Tournament Champions Shirt

   Codec is a short word for ‘coding’ and ‘decoding’. Once you are done editing, you are required to choose a  Maryland Terrapins 2023 Baseball Tournament Champions Shirt  that encodes the footage with the maximum possible compression. One of the most popular codecs is H.264 that produces MP4 files. H.264 also has its upgraded version called H.265 that offers a better compression ratio, thus reducing the file size even further. Factor 5: Rate Control Modes Rate controlling is a process where you define the bitrates for a video. For instance, if a clip is intended to be distributed via the Internet where the target audience may have specific bandwidth, Constant Bitrate (CBR) mode would be good. On the other hand, if the Internet bandwidth is decent or the video is to be played on a local device, using Variable Bitrate (VBR) (with the highest threshold set) would provide the best picture quality as the bitrate would be automatically controlled according to the motions ...

Can we fuck and still be friends T shirt

   So, are there lots of  Can we fuck and still be friends T shirt  systems like our own? We don’t know. Are systems like ours the only place life, especially intelligent life, can develop? We don’t know. Unfortunately, this area of science is still in the tedious process of collecting sufficient data to make reliable predictions. We know for certain there are exoplanets out there, and there are LOTS of them. The chance that some of them are like Earth is very high. The chance of finding lots of star systems similar to our own is also pretty high; there is no reason to assume we are unique. As our techniques for finding exoplanets get better, as we build better telescopes and better ways of interpreting the data they deliver, we will almost certainly find star systems very like our own. It will just take time. () buy it now: Derrick White Derrick Kite T ShirtCan we fuck and still be friends T shirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Oregon Ducks 2023 Pac 12 Base...

Official Usa Where A War Criminal Can Be A War Hero Hoodie shirt

   So not only did they actually have their homes both have Hanukkah and Christmas decorations, but these very different families they happily and joyously hosted celebrations for  Official Usa Where A War Criminal Can Be A War Hero Hoodie shirt . What’s key here though is that what is meant by “Christmas.” Many people associate this holiday as a traditional Christian-themed, religious holiday with various Christian themes, decor, etc.. But many other people associate the holiday with snowmen, winter weather, reindeer, hot chocolate, egg nog (often with rum), various evergreen trees (artificial or real) festooned with glittering ornaments, pretty gift boxes under the tree, etc., or a secular (with Pagan roots in Saturnalia) winter holiday just a few days after the annual winter solstice. In fact, it seems to be a holiday that many non-Christians and even non-theists celebrate. (Official Usa Where A War Criminal Can Be A War Hero Hoodie shirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Derri...

Poo Head Get Lose In Water Shirt

   Doing the math on the  Poo Head Get Lose In Water Shirt  square law and distance to nearest stars you will (hopefully) notice that even such “large” output signals coming from a nearby star would be essentially undetectable by the time they got here. At only 4LY (roughly 3.784×10^16 meters) to the nearest star the signal would be attenuated by a factor of 1.4×10^-33. So the original kilowatt becomes less than a thousandth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a watt give or take a few decimal places. Spell that out in your best Carl Sagan voice to get the full effect of how small it really is. If you had a gigantic antenna (or array of antennas) and you were looking in exactly the right place in the sky you *might* be able to pick that will o’ the wisp signal out of the background radiation, but probably not. Now you might argue that our noisy neighbors would be shouting louder with much more powerful transmitters, but why would they? Their TV and commer...

Kyla Scanlon I Have Almost Survived The 79Th Raise Extension Or Revision Of The Debt Ceiling Since 1960 T Shirt

   DESCRIPTION SHIPPING & MANUFACTURING INFO TEEJEEP Kyla Scanlon I Have Almost Survived The 79Th Raise Extension Or Revision Of The Debt Ceiling Since 1960 T Shirt Christmas begins at midnight on the  Kyla Scanlon I Have Almost Survived The 79Th Raise Extension Or Revision Of The Debt Ceiling Since 1960 T Shirt  of 24 December (the beginning of 25 December). One should not begin putting Christmas decorations up until Christmas Eve. Christmas Day lasts a full eight days, and ends on the first of January – the Octave Day of Christmas. The season of Christmas lasts until Epiphany on the 6 of January, so your decorations should stay up[ that long, and the Christmas Marian antiphon gets sung until the first of February, so you may take your Christmas decorations down at the end of January. Please, please, please do NOT put Christmas decorations up during Advent. Advent is the Penitential season which encompasses the four Sundays before Christmas, so it begins right a...

Party In The USA American Flag 4th Of July T Shirt

   A  Party In The USA American Flag 4th Of July T Shirt  – though somewhat indirect and subtle – method used for stars that do not fit into these categories (which is the majority of them, at least in our own galaxy) is as follows: First deduce the likely temperature and size of the star from its dominant colour and the atomic spectra present in its light (temperature is related to colour, and different chemical elements are produced under different conditions of temperature and pressure, which in turn depend on the mass and age of a star). From these we can work out the likely luminosity. From the luminosity we can deduce the stars absolute magnitude [1] (i.e. how bright it would appear at a standard, fixed distance of 10 parsecs from us). Comparing this with the star’s apparent (i.e observed) magnitude, we can then calculate it’s actual distance from us. To me, this method of deducing a star’s distance from us merely by studying its light, and then doing a few cal...

Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt F’n Boot shirt

   All those things are not unique for the  Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt F’n Boot shirt , but combined they make it very important. Ask questions in different categories (themes, characteristics, etc) and request respondents to take these questions per category or in a randomized order.Perform calculations on scores per question, category, and/or for the whole assessment. For instance, you can add a score to each answer which allows you to give very granular feedback. Show variable outcomes depending on the score. For example: show a specific message for the category with the highest score. With the outcome message, you can also show the different categories, ranked by score. (Uncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt F’n Boot shirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Derrick White Derrick Kite T ShirtUncomplicated Shit Made Complicated Shirt F’n Boot shirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Dallas Stars Dallas Cowboys Texas Rangers Dallas Mavericks signature Dalla...

Official Metavixens shirt

   Official Metavixens shirt These processes take a  Official Metavixens shirt  years or so and once the Earth becomes potentially capable of supporting life, we actually see the earliest signs of life during that period. It could have just as easily taken another billion years to hit upon the first self-replicating molecule. We don’t know the exact details of how life got started but we do actually know lot about the kinds of processes it would have required. The key event would have been the first self-replicating molecule – which probably was not life as we know it, but an RNA precursor. The next key event would have been the conversion from RNA to DNA-based life. Forming the right kinds of molecules in the right concentrations at the right Ph levels isn’t something a new world is likely to hit upon immediately, and indeed, it seems like it took at least a few hundred million years before we see the first artifacts of life on Earth. () buy it now: Derrick White De...

Amp Merch Star Print Hoodie shirt

   No! It’s much too early for  Amp Merch Star Print Hoodie shirt  . I want to enjoy this fall (although it seems that fall has decided not to visit us this year) and each holiday as it comes. One year, ages ago, I put up the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving weekend and by the time Christmas came around, all the decorations were dusty and I was sick of looking at That was a good lesson. Christmas, for me, is sparkling snow, pine trees (not maples turning gold and red) and a very special time, especially if you have family (cherish them because some day they will be gone). It’s a time of selflessness and love and that “Christmas spirit” which is incredible which takes hold of you. (Amp Merch Star Print Hoodie shirt, guys shirt) buy it now: Derrick White Derrick Kite T ShirtAmp Merch Star Print Hoodie shirt Quyền truy cập Internet của bạn bị chặn Allsportsculture Baby Goat Shirt Chasin’ The Racin’ Podcast Needhams Motorcycles Doncaster Shirt Design frogballusa b...

Buckle Up Buttercup You Just Flipped My Witch Switch Shirt

   I am really not sure would this be possible to create such sounds which is 1100 dB in earth. As far as i understood about this concept is, This measurements of  Buckle Up Buttercup You Just Flipped My Witch Switch Shirt  the dB SPL is refers only to our human hearing systems. Since the reference value used for this calculation is 20 μpa. which might be the sensitivity pressure can be recognized by our eardrum. According to our measurements, yes! 194 dB would be the maximum can be created through the atmospheric pressure of the air. But if by any chance you hear this sound that would be the last sound you gonna hear in your life!!!. 1100 db is possible only when this happens, pressure variation from the reference to the value of 1.56*10^(47)Pa. But i would say this is may be possible in atmosphere filled with different fluids, Which may yet to be found!!.. Also if you think in our earth, atmospheric pressure is 101.325 kPa. I feel in space there can lot of local at...

Winnie The Pooh never give up shirt

   Doing the math on the  Winnie The Pooh never give up shirt  square law and distance to nearest stars you will (hopefully) notice that even such “large” output signals coming from a nearby star would be essentially undetectable by the time they got here. At only 4LY (roughly 3.784×10^16 meters) to the nearest star the signal would be attenuated by a factor of 1.4×10^-33. So the original kilowatt becomes less than a thousandth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a watt give or take a few decimal places. Spell that out in your best Carl Sagan voice to get the full effect of how small it really is. If you had a gigantic antenna (or array of antennas) and you were looking in exactly the right place in the sky you *might* be able to pick that will o’ the wisp signal out of the background radiation, but probably not. Now you might argue that our noisy neighbors would be shouting louder with much more powerful transmitters, but why would they? Their TV and com...

Archie Comics Since 1941

   Archie Comics Since 1941 The  Archie Comics Since 1941  sister of Gamora, Karen Gillians Nebula makes a reappearance in this film, and I am so happy she did! In Vol. 2 I found myself thinking the Guardians were actually a bunch of a-holes. They were all so rude to one another. The characters I most connected with were the side characters more like Nebula, Yondu and Kraglin. Nebula is not a bad guy. Yes she is included as a rogue, but this film truly shows you that both Gamora and Nebula were just both trying to stay alive whilst under Thanos’s watchful eyes. Nebula reveals that Thanos used to make Gamora and Nebula fight and each time one lost, a limb would be removed and replaced with robotic features. Of course Gamora won all the time. I loved it. I felt a connection to Nebula. She only wants revenge for something she feels was Gamora’s fault. I felt more connected to Nebula in this film than to Gamora. () buy it now: Derrick White Derrick Kite T ShirtArchie Com...

Unc Wilmington Unc Wilmington Seahawks Throwback T Shirt

   Do it because it sucks putting up Christmas decorations. It sucks putting up the tree, untangling all the lights, getting all that crap out of  Unc Wilmington Unc Wilmington Seahawks Throwback T Shirt  storage and tossing around with meaningless baubles like each placement is life-or-death perfectionist fun. And we want to get the most out of that effort. Depending on how many “helpers” I have, it can take one to four hours just putting up the tree. (It’s frealistic, over two metres tall, and has individual coded branches.) The more helpers, the longer it takes. And it’s hot where we live. By the end I’m peed off, drenched, covered in sweat, and I haven’t even done the lights yet. Which are tangled to f*&#. Then the kids pull out all the decorations and place them random patchy over the lower sections of the tree, despite encouragement to maybe spread them around (and make it look goodish). So I wait for them to go to school the next day and redo all the decor...