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Doing the math on the Poo Head Get Lose In Water Shirt square law and distance to nearest stars you will (hopefully) notice that even such “large” output signals coming from a nearby star would be essentially undetectable by the time they got here. At only 4LY (roughly 3.784×10^16 meters) to the nearest star the signal would be attenuated by a factor of 1.4×10^-33. So the original kilowatt becomes less than a thousandth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a watt give or take a few decimal places. Spell that out in your best Carl Sagan voice to get the full effect of how small it really is. If you had a gigantic antenna (or array of antennas) and you were looking in exactly the right place in the sky you *might* be able to pick that will o’ the wisp signal out of the background radiation, but probably not. Now you might argue that our noisy neighbors would be shouting louder with much more powerful transmitters, but why would they? Their TV and commercial traffic would only need to be as loud as ours to reach their own people. And even if they were broadcasting many orders of magnitude “louder” at the origin it wouldn’t make much difference.

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Christmas decorations are a Retro Game Con X shirt affectation. Whether one puts them up or doesn’t put them up, whether one leaves them up or takes them down, whether they are put up in January or any other time before December, has no impact on the superstition defined as luck. Good luck and bad luck are merely characterizations of serendipitous occurrences that are random in nature but which leave us either going hooray (good luck) or lamenting the vagaries of uncaring nature (bad luck). But worrying about or praying about or hoping for either as the case may be, like astrology for example, is simply superstitious dreck. As a native yo the city I must say there are three a places that I would suggest to visitors to really get the best holiday scene amd spirit. My first pick is going to be Westfield Mall’s extended outdoor shopping area Union Square. Located at the corner of Powell and Geary in the heart of downtown San Francisco the Christmas spirit is reminiscent of the movie “A Miracle on 24th Street”. That is minus the snow.

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