I might look like I’m listening to you but in my head I’m fix my car Classic T Shirt


History is all over the place in New Jersey. I can hike 4 miles into the I might look like I’m listening to you but in my head I’m fix my car Classic T Shirt and find the foundations of a 18th or 19th century farmhouse . I can find the vestiges of 18th and even 17th century mining operations and in some places enter the old mine to check out the bats and hundred+ year old drill holes. I can (and do) visit battlefields from the American Revolution and houses where George Washington spent a winter or a night. I can see a play in a small, local playhouse or spend an afternoon in a top notch craft beer brewery or halfway decent winery. I can go to a minor league ball game or cross the river and see the Yannkees or Mets play. I can watch the “NY” Red Bulls soccer team playing in a really nice soccer stadium or the NJ Devils ice hockey team. I somtimes go to places such as the Newton or Wellmont theaters to see major musicians perform.

I might look like I'm listening to you but in my head I'm fix my car Classic T Shirt()

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I can go out for dinner and within a Nocturne Demon Days Megami Tensei Shirt hour drive I can find awesome Italian food, good French restaurants, German, Polish, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Mexican, Ethiopian, Greek or Malaysian food and may others. Granted in NYC you can probably find all of that in a 3 block radius in NYC, but it is nice to have. I can go to a supermarket and find jicama, lemon grass and other exotic ingredients. If I can’t find it in the supermarket there is probably an ethnic food store within a short drive where I can. I can spend a day at the beach with many thousands of others laying blanket to blanket, or go to Island Beach State Park where the crowd is controlled and the scenery and sand dunes probably don’t look a lot different from what the first European settlers encountered when they reached the shores of NJ.

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